
[MMD] guitar bone and finger IK

This article is supplement of the video. The introduced plug-in for PMXE is following two. But I do not know whether this plug in is applicable to a model of the English notation. 

 -IK Maker X
 -GuitarStrap Installer X

The plug-in is stored in an appointed folder of PMXE.

and "strap pmd v5" is necessary for "GuitarStrap Installer X". You store the strap in a folder same as a model. (It is easy to remodel it later.)

finger IK
It is important the order in which to register the INDEX to IK. It is registered from the bone close to the IK

IK varies in behavior in MMD,MMM,PMXE. It is different in PMD,PMX. Because it is difficult to share a motion, it is realistic that it is made individually.
If I have time , I might write in detail the article .

1 件のコメント:

  1. Possible Tketbla Wayne strap_pmd_v5 Save Folder precisely because Uncle Atalaala mistakes time Ahto Amodl
